1. Concepts

1.1. The data controller and operator of the website (hereinafter - the Data Controller) is UAB "Lumarginta", company code 305711931, VAT taxpayer code LT100013887111, Gegužių str. 62-34, 78342, Republic of Lithuania, e-mail address – , tel. no. 860439311

1.2. Buyer - an active natural or legal person who purchased goods in the online store

1.3. The rules for handling personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) regulate the basic principles of personal data collection, processing and storage, which are relied upon by the Data Controller when processing the Buyer's personal data. Information on the use of cookies, which is placed on the website

1.4. Website - a website located at , where a customer of UAB "Lumarginta" can place an order, give consent to processing personal data for the purpose of direct marketing.

1.5. Data subject - a customer or website visitor whose personal data is processed by the Data Controller for the purposes of electronic commerce, direct marketing, request administration, loyalty program administration.

1.6. Data controller - a natural or legal person who helps the Data Controller, in accordance with the powers granted by him, to implement the set goals.

1.7. Personal data - data of a natural person, which is managed by the Data Controller and which can be used to identify a customer or website visitor, including, but not limited to: name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.

1.8. Data processing - any action performed with personal data: collection, recording, accumulation, storage, change (addition or correction), provision, use, destruction or other action or set of actions.

1.9. Direct marketing - activities intended to offer goods or services to individuals by mail, telephone or other direct means, offer occasional discounts and/or ask for their opinion on the offered goods or services.

1.10. E-commerce - buying and selling goods or services online.

1.11. Consent is a freely expressed action of the Data Subject, by which he agrees to the processing of personal data.

1.12. The supervisory authority is the State Personal Data Protection Inspectorate.

  1. General provisions

2.1. The processing of the buyer's personal data is determined by the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts regulating the collection of such data and these Rules.

2.2. The data subject is considered familiar with this Privacy Policy and having read it, when he expresses his Consent to the processing of his Personal Data.

2.3. Customer data is collected for defined and legitimate purposes and handled fairly and accurately.

2.4. This Privacy Policy can be read and printed at any time on the website.

3. Processing of personal data

3.1. The buyer agrees that the personal data that he voluntarily provides during the order will be processed based on these rules.

3.2. The buyer has the right to get acquainted with his personal data and the right to demand the correction of incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate personal data or their removal by writing an e-mail. email or call 860439311 . In this case, the seller must immediately implement the buyer's request (within 1-2 days).

3.3. The Data Controller recognizes and respects the right to privacy of every Buyer who places an order in the online store The Data Controller collects and uses the Buyer's personal data (name or surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address and other information specified at the time of ordering by the online store) for the processing of orders for goods or services or the fulfillment of other assumed contractual obligations. When placing an order, the customer can express his consent/disagreement to the use of his personal data for direct marketing purposes. He does this by ticking the box (I agree to the use of my personal data for direct marketing purposes). We send the newsletter to the e-mail specified by the customer. by mail and we make it possible to unsubscribe from the newsletter (at the end of the newsletter there is an option: "unsubscribe" - after clicking, the customer will no longer receive the newsletter).

3.4. The Data Controller undertakes not to disclose the Buyer's personal data to third parties, with the exception of the Data Controller's partners providing goods delivery or other services related to the proper fulfillment of the Buyer's order. In all other cases, the Buyer's personal data may be disclosed to third parties only in accordance with the procedure provided by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

3.5. Personal data is processed using secure means that protect this data from unauthorized destruction, disclosure or other illegal actions.

3.6. Payments in the electronic store are processed using the platform, which is managed by Maksekeskus AS (Niine 11, Tallinn 10414, Estonia, reg. no.: 12268475), therefore your personal information, required for payment execution and confirmation, will be transferred to Maksekeskus AS

4. Risk factors of personal data protection violation and their solutions.

4.1. In order to ensure adequate protection of Personal Data, the Data Controller implements the following organizational and technical personal data protection measures:

4.1.1. Organizational The work order of the data controller is organized in such a way as to ensure the safe handling and (if applicable) transfer of computer data and/or documents and their archives. Access to the personal data of the Data Subject is granted only to those Employees who need them to perform work functions and only to those who have signed confidentiality agreements and are familiar with other internal procedures in the scope of personal data processing.

4.1.2. Technical The data processors (service providers) appointed by the Data Controller act only on the authority of the Data Controller. Personal data is protected against loss, unauthorized use and changes. Internet connection is encrypted. Protection of computer equipment against harmful software is ensured, and the internal computer network is protected by a firewall.

5. Cookies

5.1. A cookie is a small text document with a unique identification number that is transferred from a website to a person's computer in order to distinguish the person's computer, browser type and to see the person's online activity. A unique number identifies a person's browser each time a person visits a website. Cookies prevent memorization of personal information (such as a person's name and address). Websites use cookies to keep statistics, such as the number and traffic of individuals visiting the website. Such information is not linked to personal information. A person can disable the use of cookies at any time, but without cookies, some functions of the website may not work or may not work properly.

5.2. Purposes of using cookies:

5.2.1. To create a shopping cart (to carry out the main activities of the website) and to calculate statistical data of website visitors. When using the website, the customer may be required to register in order to order goods. In this case, the customer is required to provide personal data (such as name, email address, phone, etc.). The Company has the right, at its own discretion, to use all the information and data provided by the person, which the person provides during registration or in other ways, in all legal ways. A cookie for creating a shopping cart is created when the user adds items to the shopping cart, and is deleted when the user closes (logs out) the website window (ends the session).

5.3. You can allow or refuse cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change your browser settings if you prefer not to accept cookies or receive a warning message before they are saved. Read your browser's instructions or simply learn more about these features. More information about cookies and how to manage them can be found at (in English). If you choose not to accept cookies, you may not be able to use the interactive features of this website.

5.4. The consent of the data subject is not required if cookies are used on the website of the online store to form the basket of goods selected by the buyer, etc.

5.5. No personal data of the customer is stored with the help of cookies.

5.6. No information is provided to any third parties during the recording of necessary cookies.

5.7. Removing cookies:

5.7.1. Google Chrome .

5.7.2. Safari .

5.7.3. Mozilla Firefox .

5.7.4. Opera .

5.7.5. Microsoft Edge .

5.7.6. Microsoft Internet Explorer .

6. Transfer of personal data to third parties

6.1. In order to evaluate the quality of the goods purchased by the buyer, the customer may be contacted by e-mail after the order has been fulfilled. by mail and please leave feedback and evaluate the purchased product. For this purpose, the buyer's email mail may be transferred to third parties.

6.2. After the visitors have subscribed to the namuimperia newsletter and provided their e-mail address. mail, this may be transferred to third parties for the purpose of sending newsletters.

7. Final Provisions

7.1. This Privacy Policy is updated in 2021. April 21 updated as needed.


Newsletter rules

After subscribing to the Namuimperija .lt newsletter, your e-mail the mail will be added to our subscriber database. As long as your email e-mail is included in this database, we will be able to send you newsletters. You can always unsubscribe and remove your email. e-mail from this database by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the newsletter or by emailing us. a letter to . When sending these newsletters, we may use the service of third parties (sender, Mailerlite). We would like to emphasize that the newsletter subscriber database is not linked to the order fulfillment database - if you unsubscribe from the newsletter, we will still send you emails with information related to your account (such as notifications of updated order statuses, password reset emails, etc.) If you decide to stop using our email store and would like your personal data to be removed from our database (or would you like to receive all the personal data we have related to your account from our database), please write an e-mail to by mail to .


If you have any questions, please call 860439311 or e-mail. by mail